Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Hello world, and welcome to my blog! Well, let's be honest, at most maybe my classmates will view this... but maybe it will be of some help to you. This is going to be my blog for CSCI 362 - Software Engineering. Here I will post things related to the course from the reading, homework, and occasionally other random things I find interesting.

Let me introduce myself before starting the first homework, though. My name is Justin and I've been attending the college since 2009, and plan on graduating in the Spring of 2014. The five year plan isn't too uncommon, right? Like most of you, I am majoring in Computer Science, and am aiming for a Bachelor of Science with a lab science focus in physics. My interests include cars, computers, music, some games, and being a generally handy kind of guy. I like to take stuff apart, and build other stuff, and fix broken stuff. I also have hermit crabs. I think we should end it there.

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