Tuesday, February 18, 2014


     This post is supposed to be a report on a bug we fixed and submitted. I am sad to say that has yet to happen with our group - at least for a legitimate bug. We created a Google+ group a while back and have tossed around several bugs to examine more closely from the Audacity Bugzilla, but have yet to make any changes to the code. The most significant thing we've contributed to the community, and so far the only thing that I'm aware of, was getting them to update the wiki with proper instructions on joining the IRC chat. I've recently created a GitHub repository for our group to use for our bug fixes, and possibly a Nyquist plugin that we'd like to write. I figured we'd try GitHub instead of Subversion this semester just to get more exposure and experience with more tools. So far, 3 out of 4 of us have successfully built Audacity from the source code, with me being the one left out. John and Joe used Ubuntu or a virtualized version of Ubuntu to build it, while Matthew used Visual Studio on Windows. I think the main reason that it's not working for me is that I am running Mint Linux, which somehow complicated the build process. I've been on the Audacity forums getting some help, but so far have still been unsuccessful. I plan on reformatting my computer and just putting Ubuntu on it instead. I think I like Ubuntu more anyway...

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