Response to Mythical Man Month (Ch 1-4):
Tonight's reading was quite interesting to say the least. It touched on many different aspects of the development life cycle of a programming project. For one, when a project is falling behind schedule, a natural reaction is to add more man-power in order to get it back on track. However, adding men to the project, in fact, has the opposite effect. Time for training the newcomers in the language, environment, and the current system design must be accounted for. Then there's the time it takes to devise a new delegation of the tasks involved in the project, so that the new people have something to do. And finally, you must include the time it takes to re-write the schedule with the new man-power included in the projection. So overall, the trade-off for adding more people to a project to get the job done faster is negative.
I like the idea that the author credited Harlan Mills for: making programming teams that resemble surgical teams. Several small groups of people working on the same project, or component of a project, with each member having a very specific role within the group that supports the effort of the group as a whole. Only one or two main programmers and designers, and several other supporting roles are needed. This idea of a surgical team reminded me of a pair-programming video that Dr. Starr showed our CSCI 230 class several semesters ago. It stated that using pair-programming increases productivity, quality of code, and the learning and enjoyment of the programmers involved, and although I cannot say I've had much experience with pair-programming, I am inclined to agree heavily.
Another part of this article was talking about how most programming projects are divided among developers, and each developer is also in charge of the design of his or her specific component. The author says that this is dangerous because the overall design of the system is no longer unified, and can have many parts that, while they may be well designed in themselves, are not designed to work with the other components as well. Therefore, again, the solution is to divide the design of the project from the implementation of the project. Hence where the term, code monkey, comes from. A small team of the "creative" and "elite" programmers get to have all the fun designing the system, then pass off the frustrating part of implementation to the "lesser" programmers. This idea in itself seems backwards to me as well. Why would you want the elite programmers to just design it, if they aren't going to the skills that classify them as "elite" to actually code it? Even though it may be well designed, the code would not be as efficient and reliable as it would had the elite programmers been the ones coding it in the first place. Perhaps I'm thinking about it in the wrong way. The author did say that this team architechture should only be used for large scale programming projects.
I enjoyed this read a lot and have definitely taken away from it, at the very least, that adding more people to a project that is running behind schedule is the wrong move. One cannot conquer the Mythical Man-Month because it is just that - mythical and imaginary.
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