I've been fighting with this bug for a while now. The problem is that a graph where the x-axis follows a logarithmic scale, the minimum value allowed is 20. The x-axis on this graph represents the frequency of sound in Hz, and it makes sense, to me (and probably the original designers), to have the lower limit be 20 Hz because that is the lowest frequency that the human ear can hear. However, some of the developers think that it might be useful to have it be zero for people who might use Audacity for reasons other than audio recording. You can test bass speakers at frequencies below 20 Hz and watch them slowly move back and forth trying to produce the sound. I found the 'equalization' effect source code, which a lot of it seems relevant to the bug (the graph is used for equalization and comes up when you select the 'Equalization' effect from the effects menu), but I'm having trouble understanding most of the source code included in it. The file is over 3000 lines of code, after all... I've found a few things in it that I could almost swear would cause the problem, but when I save and rebuild, the lower limit is still at 20 Hz. The first thing I found was an array of doubles, which starts with 20.0, and the rest of the numbers in the array highly correlate to the values along the x-axis, so I tried changing the head value (again, 20.0) to 0, but nothing happened. There's also some places in the code which set a 'lowLog' equal to the log base 10 of 20.0. I changed these to 1.0 instead of 20.0 because the log of 1 = 0, which is what they were hoping the lower bound would be. Nothing has worked, however. A couple of times after re-building the code, it returned compile errors - so I had to undo my changes. It looks like some of the output from Equilization.cpp goes to another file Equilization.o (object?), which is affected by some changes and causes errors there.
That's about everything I've been up to, personally. John made an outline for the online tutorial we'll be writing, which turned out good. I'm looking forward to seeing how that turns out. I suspect I'll be doing most of the editing for it after he and Joseph have some substance to it - for some reason I love proofreading other people's writing... We're also planning on meeting to work out some details for the poster. We need to figure out which program we're going to use to design it. I don't think anyone in the group has Photoshop, but perhaps there's an open-source solution out there that will suffice!
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