Sunday, December 1, 2013

Homework #16 - 10/10 (Makeup)

WELL - here I was about to read chapter 17 of our book, but when I start flipping through the pages, I realize that I've been reading the wrong textbook for a good portion of this semester, because the book I have been reading doesn't even have a chapter 17. This is pretty depressing....I've been reading the textbook we used for my CSCI 360 class. A lot of the material is similar, but still. I've probably done several incorrect assignments up to now. I don't know when it was that I confused our books, probably after fall break when my health started getting worse and I wasn't sleeping as well and started missing a lot of class. Ah well, what can ya do?

SO, chapter 17 of the right textbook. This chapter is all about software reuse and taking small preexisting components and composing them into a larger target software program. A 'component' can be interpereted in different ways, however. Some define it as a software element that can be independently deployed and is composed according to a composition standard. Others say that it is unit of composition with contractually-specified interfaces and explicit context dependencies. Basically, some think that a software component is only defined a component if it is written by the standards, and others define a component based on its key characteristics.

Some definitions of component characteristics to remember:

  • A component is standardized if it is used in a CBSE process and conforms to a standard component model. This can define interfaces, metadata, documentation, composition, and deployment. 
  • A component is independent if it can be composed and deployed without the use of other components
  • A component is composable if all interactions take place through a publicly defined interface.
  • A component is deployable if it is self contained and able to act as a stand-alone entity. 
  • Components must be documented so that future users can decide whether it will meet their needs or not. All of the syntax and semantics of the interface should be defined.
     The rest of the chapter goes on to define the two different types of component-based software engineering: development for reuse, and development with reuse. The first dealing with making components that will be reused in other applications and the later making applications that use existing components. 
     When writing components for reuse, you need to make sure there are no application-specific methods, names have been generalized, methods provide complete functionality, exception handling is consistent among methods, incorporate a 'configuration' interface to allow the component to be adapted to different situations, and integrate any required components so that the developed component is independent.
     When writing applications that use preexisting components, you first design the application in an outline being as general as possible to maximize the number of potentially usable components. Then, you modify requirements depending on the available components and design the architecture. Further component search and design follows based on whether the previously selected components will fit the need. Finally, after all the components have been selected and the architecture design solidified, the system is composed.

Software reuse is one of the things mentioned in "The Silver Bullet" as a way to dramatically increase software development productivity. Buying off-the-shelf software not only saves you the pain of designing, and writing it, but also the huge task of testing and debugging it. This is certainly an imaginable concept, but it would also require huge effort on the part of the developers to write their components according to a standard so that they may be compatible with other components written in the same fashion.

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